Client Case Study (Government)

Queensland Government Public Sector Commission (PSC)

The QPSC is an independent central agency of government with key responsibilities for workforce policy, strategy, leadership and organisational performance across the Queensland public sector.

Point problem notation


After 15 years of being in service for the Queensland Government, the ageing workforce analysis and collection application was at the end of its lifecycle and required replacing. Each quarter, over 300,000 public sector workforce records across almost 60 Queensland Government agencies need validation and consolidation into a single data structure, the analysis of which informs the management of the public sector.

Quality Process

The Solution

The SmarterSoft Platform was confi gured as a data collection and validation platform deployed across all Queensland Government agencies. The solution enabled each agency to upload, validate and review their own workforce data and submit it through a defi ned workfl ow to QPSC, with in-line user help ensuring strong up-take by staff .

The solution’s in-built calculation engine automatically “added value” to the uploaded data, with complex data validations and business rules enforcing data consistency across the many agencies. Fine-grained auditing, two-factor authentication and authorisation features ensure that data is kept secure with automatic change tracking enabled.

SmarterSoft were chosen as the successful tenderer from an open market process. The SmarterSoft solution has proven to be a cost-eff ective use of resources, as additional data workfl ows have now been added allowing the QPSC to perform other data collection and analytical work, which was not originally conceived when the solution was fi rst implemented. This demonstrates the effi – ciency, cost-eff ectiveness, agility and adaptability of the SmarterSoft solution, as it has become the main digital business tool now in use in the QPSC.

Director, Performance Analytics, QPSC

The Outcomes

  • Enhanced user confidence in the quality and validity of workforce data
  • Faster data collection timeframes
  • Minimal bespoke development to meet QPSC’s needs
  • Interoperability with business intelligence tools
  • Ongoing Software as a Service (SaaS) cost eff ectiveness
  • Management have more visibility and control over operations
  • Enhanced collection and validation of workforce data
  • The main digital business tool now in use by the QPSC

Specialising in Government and nonprofit (NGO) sectors, we offer flexible data solutions for all budgets. Contact us to discover how SmarterSoft’s “no code” platform can help you work smarter, not harder.