Client Case Study (Government & Nonprofit/NGO)

IDRS and NSW Government Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ)

IDRS (Intellectual Disability Rights Service) operates the Justice Advocacy Service (JAS). JAS supports young people and adults with cognitive impairment in contact with the NSW criminal justice system to exercise their rights and fully participate in the legal process. JAS is funded to a total of $38 million from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).


DCJ awarded IDRS an initial $10 million contract to develop and operate a Justice Advocacy Service. JAS was to be available across NSW including in rural, regional and remote areas. To handle the large number of individuals requiring supports, IDRS required an all-in-one online system to help automate their end-to-end service delivery, coordinate the work of advocates and volunteers, and collect a rich set of data for internal and external reporting.


The SmarterSoft Platform was tailored as a client, case, and supports management system to streamline the day-to-day operations of the Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) across all of NSW. The solution handles JAS’s complex custom workflows, data reporting needs and caters for the hundreds of volunteers and advocates who deliver frontline services. It also assists IDRS manage the many KPIs required to operate their NSW Government contract and collects data required by the evaluators of the service (Ernst & Young).

Fine-grained user authentication, authorisation and auditing features ensure that data is handled and recorded securely.

SmarterSoft worked with us to create a highly customised data system that allows us to not only effectively manage our work but also accurately report to our funders (DCJ) on the outcomes we achieve for our clients. We are unique in that we have hundreds of volunteers complete many of our client supports. SmarterSoft developed a secure way for volunteers to access a very small section of the database allowing them to receive critical information and also directly enter information about the support. SmarterSoft have developed a good understanding of our service making it easier when we approach them with requests for changes. We continue to work with them to further enhance and refine the system constantly improving and streamlining processes.

Regional Manager, Justice Advocacy Service, IDRS


  • Systemisation helped secure additional funding from DCJ ($28 million)
  • Secure system for collecting & handling sensitive client data
  • KPI reporting tracks service delivery & contract compliance
  • High take-up with volunteers improved service quality
  • SmarterSoft assisted with program evaluation to make sure the work we did was represented
  • Scalable solution enabled capacity to take on more clients
  • Flexible system that has adapted to meet our changing needs
  • Enhanced management visibility & control over operations
  • Single view of client journey & supports delivery
  • Better decision-making data is available
  • Lower cost of ownership compared to other products

Specialising in Government and nonprofit (NGO) sectors, we offer flexible data solutions for all budgets. Contact us to discover how SmarterSoft’s “no code” platform can help you work smarter, not harder.